Department Head Message

It is a pleasure to welcome the current and future students at the Middle East University Faculty of Pharmacy. The faculty five-year program of study will lead to the BSc in Pharmacy degree, which fulfills the requirements for registration as a pharmacist in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan. Graduates have a diversity of job option such as, but not limited to, working in community pharmacies or hospital pharmacies, the pharmaceutical industry, the medicinal advertisement and depositories of the medicines, pharmaceutical inspection and research, and different areas of clinical pharmacology.

The teaching curriculum integrates biomedical, pharmaceutical, and clinical fields of learning in order to achieve efficient patient-centered practice by pharmacy graduates. The distinguished academic teaching staff members with their research records are dedicated to achieving the pharmacy program outcomes through implementing a diversity of modern teaching/learning strategies. The well equipped scientific laboratories, the learning facilities including the university library and the scientific collaboration with renowned international universities are among our assets to pursuing academic excellence. Moreover, social, cultural, and sports events are also encouraged.

Dr. Mohammad Alaraj
Head of MPharm Department