Policy of Solid waste Sustainability (Recycling)


Middle East University endeavors to achieve its mission of preparing leaders through creating an environment that stimulates learning, research, and community services. In order to assure its seriousness and commitment and to promote its continuous effort of seeking to learn, MEU is aware of the environmental impact of its various activities. Accordingly, the University adopts a special policy of environmental sustainability within other areas to assure the management the relationship with its surrounding to protect it, from one side, and to sustain the University’s resources and facilities, from the other. To implement this policy, roles shall be distributed carefully among members of the University to ensure the precise implementation of its procedures. This also requires the consolidation of efforts to reach a safe and friendly campus environment.

Solid waste recycling is prioritized at Middle East University. The University is totally aware of the positive impact of this process on all human beings, from one side, and the environment, on the other. Therefore, the University adopts a special policy for recycling that enables it to achieve the ultimate use of solid wastes by recycling them. This clearly shows the University’s efforts to sustain its resources and properties and its active role in preserving the environment and its surroundings.


Managing the solid waste in a clear strategy framework that serves the University environment and its surrounding.


1. Reducing environmental pollution.
2. Utilizing materials by re-using or classifying them.
3. Reducing the negative effects of waste accumulation.


1. Providing special containers for collecting solid wastes according to their types at the University’s facilities.
2. Moving organic (health-care) waste to the official landfills approved at the Kingdom level.
3. Collecting inorganic (solid) waste that can be reused (recycled) and 4. conveying them to special committees for recycling.