Learning Outcomes

Bachelor Programs

English Language and Literature

This program is designed to graduate students who are able to:

1. Analyze the structure and components of the English Language sentence.
2. Apply principles of literary criticism on modern and classical literary genres.
3. Employ intellectual, cultural and social characteristics of the English Literature through ages to study literary texts.
4. Use different criticism tools in evaluating English literary texts.
5. Relate linguistic and critical thinking to the needs and demands of the society.

Masters Programs

English Language and Literature Program

This program is designed to prepare graduate students who are able to:

1. Use critical approach in reading and understanding references and sources in the field of specialization.
2. Express ideas using critical and analytical approaches.
3. Implement research methods in practical and professional life.
4. Be self-dependent in developing their capacities.
5. Employ cognitive and relevant theories in their specialization achievements.
6. Contribute to developing and expanding their general cognitive maps.

Political Science Program
This program is designed to prepare graduate students who are able to:

1. Conduct research and studies in the fields of political sciences.
2. Occupy leading positions at several institutions.
3. Able to communicate in diplomatic work.
4. Analyze the work of different political regimes from several parts of the world.
5. Conclude the tendency of emergence of political phenomena locally, regionally and globally.
6. Explain most prominent political issues that face local and regional communities.
7. Follow the research approach in studying political phenomena.
8. Solving political problems that face decision makers in accordance with the acquired research approaches.