AMMAN – Under the patronage of the Chairman of the Board of Trustees, Dr. Yacoub Nasereddin, the Faculty of Pharmacy, as represented by Dr. Ammar Al Maaytah, the Dean of Pharmacy, inaugurated the Second Scientific and Educational Activities Season in the attendance of a number of faculty members, administrative staff, and students.
The season kicked off with a lecture by Dr. Yacoub Nasereddin, where he discussed the new strategic and procedural plan that the University has adopted to support its institutional policies. He remarked, “The University, which is known for teaching its students methods in strategic thinking, aims to apply a model to continue teaching our students these vital techniques throughout all stages of the University experience.” He went on to stress the importance of SWOT Analysis techniques, stating, “Conducting SWOT Analyses helps businesses determine their strengths and weaknesses, and allows them to preemptively react to looming threats and available opportunities. It also helps businesses outline and design their strategies and core values.”
Dr. Al Maaytah commended the Faculty of Pharmacy and its achievements, which were the result of the University leadership’s wise guidance, commenting, “It is vital to surpass traditional teaching methods and provide students with an education that allows them to experience modern university life. We aim to do so by providing them with extracurricular activities, establishing lines of communication that allow then to comfortably contact their educators, and share the success stories of the pharmaceutical sector with students to inspire them to attain future success.”
Prof. Khalil Al Taif, the Head of Extracurricular Activities, said, “The Faculty of Pharmacy has witnessed a major advancement in the quality of its performance and is adopting a new system that will benefit students and encourage them to employ logical and critical thinking methods.”
During the event, students, Dr. Nasereddin, and Dr. Al Maaytah reflected on the students’ awareness and interest in their development and success.