AMMAN – The Council for the Accreditation and Quality Assurance Commission for Higher Education Institutions agreed on approving Middle East University’s request to obtain private accreditation for three undergraduate programmes to be offered starting from the first semester of the 2020/2021 academic year.
The said undergraduate programmes are the Formulation of Cosmetic Chemical Products, to be offered at the Faculty of Pharmacy; and Financial Technology ‘FinTech’ and Business Intelligence ‘BI’, to be offered at the Faculty of Business.
The Acting University President, Prof. Ala’aldeen al-Halhouli, said that part of MEU’s strategic plan is to offer qualitative programmes that respond to the needs and requirements of local and international labour markets. He added, ‘We followed his Majesty’s directions that called for finding programmes that keep pace with the developments being made in the field of technology. We also focused on producing graduates who are qualified to work in all vital economic sectors’.
The University thoroughly studies market needs and developments and utilises its findings in expanding its programme offerings. We maintain high quality standards and adopt a vision for promoting our entrepreneurial role and increasing our competitiveness on local and international scales.