Bsc Cs/Artificial intelligence

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is one of the applied academic disciplines that witnessed the highest growth rates in the past decade. This is due to the immense amount of data available, the significant development of the capacity of modern processors and computers, and the development of more efficient and accurate algorithms that are less time-consuming. Using AI has led to creating innovative solutions and to analyze information in an intelligent approach approximate to the human use.

The program tackles aspects such as machine learning, robotic programming, computer visualization and virtual reality. AI makes life easier by developing smart technologies and solutions that contribute to enhancing services and have a direct effect on life in general.

Where and what do Artificial Intelligence graduates work?

AI enables graduates to work in various sectors, including:

  • Banks and businesses: Data mining expert; data science and analysis expert.
  • Education sector: Faculty member and lab supervisor at universities.
  • Factories: Robotics programming and IoT expert for developing product lines at factories and automating systems.
  • Medical sector: Enhancing medical services and developing medications and treatments.
  • In addition, Digital Marketing and Social Media enables graduates to start their own enterprises in one of the various areas taught during their studies.

In addition, the BSc Cs Artificial Intelligence enables graduates to start their own enterprises in one of the various areas taught during their studies.

Why study Artificial Intelligence at MEU?

  1. 1. A syllabus that is up to date with the needs of the local and international market.
  2. 2. A distinguished academic faculty composed of graduates from esteemed international universities.
  3. 3. Labs equipped with state-of-the-art technologies that provide students and supervisors with the best educational experiences.
  4. 4. Free extracurricular training courses provided by the Career Guidance and Alumni Office/King Abdullah II Fund for Development.
  5. 5. The university boasts state-of-the-art technologies and classrooms, providing students with an advanced learning experience.
  6. 6. Free training opportunities on platforms such as Coursera.
  7. 7. Opportunity to participate in local and international events.
  8. 8. Exchange opportunities with reputable European universities.