An MEU delegation visited the Public Security Directorate (PSD) headed by the Chairman of the Board of Trustees Dr. Yacoub Nasereddin, President Prof. Ala’aldeen al-Halhouli, Dr. Ahmad Nasereddin, Vice Chairman of Board of Directors, and Mr. Aysir Ali Al-Nimr, Director of Media and Public Relations Department, after accepting the invitation of the Director of Public Security. During the visit, the delegation me with Brigadier General Dr. Mutasem Abu Shattal, Assistant Director of Public Security for Management and Logistic Support, Lieutenant Colonel Ma’an Al-Hoori, Director of the Security Strategic Studies Center and Head of the Higher Supervisory Committee for the Promising Police Leaderships program, and Major Ashraf Abu Rumman, Chief of Police.
At the commencement of the meeting, Brigadier General Dr. Mutasem Abu Shattal welcomed the guests and praised the active partnership between the PSD and MEU. Dr. Yacoub Nasereddin also expressed his appreciation of this generous invitation and praised the partnership and cooperation with the PSD, assuring that MEU will continue to provide all kinds of academic, educational and cultural support to further strengthen this cooperation.
Towards the end of the meeting, Brigadier General Dr. Mutasem Abu Shattal presented an honorary shield to Dr. Yacoub Nasereddin in appreciation of MEU’s supportive role, being the first institution to sign a MoU with the PSD. This collaboration was established in the aims of strengthening collaboration between the two entities and supporting the Promising Police Leadership program in accordance with international standards.