Amman – Under the patronage of Prof. Ala’addin Al Halhouli, MEU hosted the General Director of Civil Defence Brig. Anwar Al Tarawneh to deliver a discussion seminar on the Role of the General Directorate of Civil Defence (CDD) in Managing the Covid-19 Pandemic Crisis. The seminar was attended by both vice presidents, faculty deans, directors of departments, and the Dean of Students’ Affairs, Dr. Salim Sharif, who headed the seminar.
Brig. Al Tarawneh said that the CDD is a vital and efficient part of the comprehensive national system, and that it has received a direct and a continuous support from His Majesty King Abdullah II until it has reached the level of sophistication in civil defence equipment and civil protection of that in advanced countries.
He added that the CDD’s response to the Covid-19 pandemic across its departments is a real test of the success of the merger process. That is, the CDD worked jointly with the General Directorate of the Gendarmerie and the Public Security Directorate (PSD) to enhance the services to provide to citizen by assigning various operational and humanitarian tasks to officers and members of different ranks; such tasks included: implementing the Safety Distance initiative, distributing general safety tools on citizens, raising the efficiency of security services, enhancing professional security coordination, unifying decisions, carrying out the security and humanitarian tasks assigned by the PSD.
In response to the commentaries of the attendees on reconsidering activating voluntary work and scouting, Brig. Al Tarawneh, said that the civil defence has activated the role of civil defence volunteers in municipalities by assigning to them the tasks of directing citizens and regulating their movement and the safety distance between them to limit the spread of the virus, providing protection instructions, and distributing medications and food items regularly to citizens.
Prof. Al Halhouli thanked the CDD for their efforts and their continuous, incomparable cooperation, and the outstanding, highly professional services they provide to citizens. He also pointed out to the rapid development and field performance of the CDD, especially in the context of the Covid-19 crisis, enabling it to provide the best humanitarian services to citizens. He also affirmed that MEU’s cooperation with the CDD is part of its social responsibility, its ambitions strategic plan, and its vision of then society. This seminar is proof of the aforementioned and of MEU’s role in raising awareness about vocational safety in the society in general and inside the university in special.