In a dialogue session between the President of Middle East University, Prof. Salam Al-Mahadin, and deans of faculties, heads of academic departments, and faculty members, the President outlined the crucial milestones that have been achieved thus far in the university’s journey towards becoming a renowned centre of academic excellence.
The dialogue session was attended by the Vice President, Prof. Ahmad Al-Louzi; the Director of the Legal Department, Prof. Anis Al-Mansour; and the Dean of Student Affairs, Dr. Ayman Al-Khazaleh.
Prof. Al-Mahadin opened the session by congratulating the Faculty of Media on obtaining the German FIBAA accreditation. She emphasised that securing such accreditations is part of the university’s strategy to improve the educational process.
In a pioneering initiative, Prof. Al-Mahadin announced the launch of an intermediate diploma programme at the university, the first of its kind in private universities, which will accept students with scores below the minimum required for direct admission to accredited bachelor’s programmes.
Another noteworthy policy announced during the session was the university’s decision to provide sabbatical leave to academic staff, which enhances the institution’s capacity for academic research and facilitates the development of individual competencies.
In his remarks, Vice President Prof. Ahmad Al-Louzi extended profound gratitude for the philosophy of knowledge collaboration that defines the university community. He observed that the achievements attained thus far would not have been possible without the interactive relationship that unites the university family. He also highlighted that pursuing international accreditation represents a significant and dedicated shift away from conventional educational practices, making it a distinctive and pivotal endeavour that commands widespread attention. He further emphasised that our achievements and future aspirations serve to validate our commitment to this course of action, particularly in terms of enhancing the capabilities of the university’s affiliates in a manner that adds a new dimension to the educational process.
In response, the Director of the Legal Department, Prof. Anis Al-Mansour, stated during the session, moderated by Dr. Jumana Al-Salem, a faculty member at the Faculty of Arts and Educational Sciences, that the university is on a distinct course to become a model for academic institutions striving to attain notable academic and intellectual outcomes. He also underscored the university’s recognition of the value of human capital, noting, “We invest in the capabilities of our members because we recognise the significance of their contributions to our success.” He further elaborated on the existence of a set of laws, rules, and regulations that govern the relationship between university employees and both one another and students.
At the conclusion of the session, which was characterised by robust engagement among the attendees, the Dean of Student Affairs, Dr. Ayman Al-Khazalah, elucidated that the university’s approach is predicated on a close and supportive relationship with students. Additionally, the university regards the concept of public safety as a pivotal element in its strategy for fostering a secure and sustainable campus.
He also emphasised the university’s profound commitment to its mission, asserting that those who witness its achievements and aspirations will recognise it as a highly esteemed institution of higher learning. He further stated that the university is not merely a model academic institution; it symbolises a forward-thinking community dedicated to molding the future.