Amman: Middle East University hosted Jalal Barjas, the winner of the 2021 Booker International Prize for Arabic Fiction for his novel “The Bookseller’s Notebooks.” The event was held under the patronage of the president of the university, Prof. Salam Al-Mahadin, and attended by deans, faculty members, and a group of students.
The dialogue encompassed a wide range of literary and intellectual subjects, during which Barjas elucidated the distinctive characteristics of his literary experience. He proceeded to analyse the elements that contributed to the success of his novels, asserting that the attainment of the Booker Prize and subsequent awards represented the culmination of a series of contemplations and profound life experiences, forged over the course of prolonged periods of observation and meditation.
He further noted that the characters in his novels are complex models that emerge from a world full of contradictions and conflicts, seeking to address social and humanitarian issues that extend beyond the limitations of time and space.
In his presentation, Barjas emphasised the significance of place in his novels, noting the depiction of the cities of Amman and Madaba as living witnesses to the reality of the characters in his literary works. He also discussed the pivotal role of women in his novels, asserting that women represent a central element and the cornerstone of liberation and rescue. This is based on historical and religious concepts that perceive women as the centre of the universe and the basis of its continuity.
The dialogue concluded with the presentation of the university shield by the president of the university, Prof. Salam Al-Mahadin, in honour of Jalal Barjas, in recognition of his distinguished literary contributions to Arab culture and his continuous dedication to the field of narrative literature.