Core Values
1. Dedication, Commitment, and the Pursuit of Education: The University considers dedication, commitment, and the pursuit of education to be its most important values.
2. Openness to the various Realms of Academia: This value represents the University’s openness towards all local, regional, and international realms of academia. It also represents the University’s enthusiasm towards developing international academic and cultural partnerships in order to pursue the exchange of knowledge and the service of humankind.
3. Respecting Society’s Values: It is important to the University to actively respect Society’s historical and national values.
4. Nurturing Minds and Dialogue: The University works to create the optimum supportive and nurturing environment to give the University’s community, including its students, faculty, and administrative staff, the space to exchange ideas and participate, intellectual discussions. In doing so, the University actively works against the forces of prejudice, Intolerance, and violence and instead supports a culture of organization and a respect for rules and proper etiquette.
5. Respect and Recognition: The University respect all its faculty and administrative staff and appreciates their contribution to the University’s pursuit of excellence. The University is always proud to recognize the accomplishments help the University maintain its pristine reputation.
6. Moral Conduct: The University applies its value of moral conduct in its rules and interactions with all parties whether they be independent individuals or entire organizations.
7. Optimism and Credibility: This value is paramount to maintaining the tranquility, hopefulness and tolerance of the University community as it supports flexibility of thought.
8. Job security and freedom of Expression: This is one of the University’s main values as it helps the University manage the co-dependent relationship between the University and its employees.