MEU announces the need for the following vacancy
Sunday, 14 May 2023
by secureadmin
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Middle East University announces the availability of the following vacancy
Monday, 23 May 2022
by secureadmin
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Middle East University Announces the Availability of the Following Vacancy
Saturday, 02 April 2022
by secureadmin
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Transportation Schedule During Ramadan
Wednesday, 30 March 2022
by secureadmin
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Transportation schedule for the first semester 2021/2022
Sunday, 24 October 2021
by secureadmin
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Defense Order No. 32
Thursday, 23 September 2021
by secureadmin
اولاً 1- على كل موظف في القطاع العام لم يتلق الجرعة الأولى من مطعوم كوفيد- 19 أو تخلّف عن موعد الجرعة الثانية احضار فحص (pcr) سلبي النتيجة ساري المفعول لمدة (72) ساعة صباح يومي الأحد والخميس من كل أسبوع وتسليمه إلى رئيسه المباشر في دائرته. 2- لا يسمح لموظف القطاع العام الذي يخالف أحكام الفقرة
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The Mechanism for Deciding Passed/Failed Courses for the Sumer Semester of the 2020/2021 Academic Year
Monday, 06 September 2021
by secureadmin
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MEU Concludes a Workshop on “How to Write a Research Plan” as Part of its Activities for the Second Centennial
Monday, 22 March 2021
by secureadmin
The Faculty of Educational Sciences at MEU, represented by Dr. Ahmad Tabieh, held a workshop on “How to Write a Research Plan” via Microsoft Teams. During the workshop, Dr. Tabieh stressed the importance of holding such courses for all students who desire to continue their higher studies (postgraduate or PhD), as well as undergraduate
- Published in University-News