Articles and publications International Programmes
MEU Meets its Partners in the European Project ATSGIRES
Wednesday, 14 July 2021
by media
Amman – In the presence of the External Support and International Projects Department at the Deanship of International Programs, Prof. Ala’addin Al Halhouli, President of MEU, held an administrative meeting with several faculty members from Damascus University and Al-Baath University, its partners in the European project ATSGIRES, an Erasmus+ project that aims to develop academic
- Published in Articles and publications, International Programmes, University-News
MEU Receives Two Academic Exchange Scholarships
Sunday, 04 July 2021
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Amman – The Academic Exchange Unit, Deanship of International Programs at MEU received two Erasmus+ scholarships in cooperation with Istanbul Sabahattin Zaim University, financed by the European Union. Two members of the academic staff of the Faculty of Business were chosen to teach at Turkish universities: Dr. AbdelRahman Zraiq and Dr. Ahmad Al Harasees. The
- Published in Articles and publications, International Programmes, University-News