British Ambassador Launches Second Phase of MEU and Strathclyde Partnership… Inaugurates Translation Laboratory and Announces Launch of New Disciplines
Thursday, 10 August 2023
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Amman – The British Ambassador to Amman, Bridget Brind, has launched a new package of international hosted programs in cooperation with the University of Strathclyde at the Middle East University. Present at the launch were the Head of the Accreditation and Quality Assurance Commission for Higher Education Institutions Prof. Dafer Al-Sarayreh, the President of the
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MEU Maintains Progress at Times Ranking Despite Participants Number Increase
Monday, 05 June 2023
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Amman – The results of the Times Higher Education Ranking (THE) indicated that the Middle East University has made significant progress in its efforts to meet the sustainable development goals and the criteria of this classification, ensuring that it remains in the best (601 – 800) universities worldwide. The university came second place on private
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Middle East University Explores Manufacturing Development Technologies for Cosmetic Industry Science
Monday, 13 March 2023
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Amman – The Middle East University organized a scientific workshop entitled: “Cosmetics industry and the importance of consumer safety”, which examines cosmetic manufacturing development techniques and regulations that ensure consumer safety by committing to comprehensive safety assessments and ensuring that products are free from harmful ingredients and contaminants. The workshop was sponsored by the
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Middle East University to participate in UNESCO’s Global Media and Information Literacy Conference
Monday, 13 March 2023
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AMMAN – Following the visit of a delegation from the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) met by the University’s President Professor Salam Al-Mahadin in presence of the Dean of Media Dr. Hanan Al-Sheikh, the Middle East University is preparing to participate in UNESCO’s Global Media and Information Literacy conference next October, amid
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MEU Shares the Public Security Drug Risk Reduction Recommendations
Monday, 13 March 2023
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AMMAN – Middle East University has shared its recommendations to reduce the dangers of drugs with the Public Security Directorate. The University believes that it has a vital role to play in raising awareness of drug risks, finding solutions for drug-free societies, healthier and safer lifestyles. Recommendations made by the Deanship of Student Affairs during
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Middle East University hosts 19th meeting of Association of Arab Universities
Sunday, 12 March 2023
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Amman – Middle East University (MEU) hosted the 19th meeting of Association of Arab Universities, led by the association’s Secretary General Prof. Amr Salama, and in presence of MEU’s Chairman of Board of Trustees Dr. Yacoub Nasereddin, the University President Prof. Salam Al-Mahadin, Assistant Secretary Generals of the association Dr. Khamisi Hamidi and Dr. Abd
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Dean of the Faculty of Business Abu Saimeh promoted to the Rank of Professor Dr.
Wednesday, 06 April 2022
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The Council of Deans at Middle East University decided to promote the Dean of the Faculty of Business and faculty member at the Faculty of Information Technology, Dr. Hesham Said Abu Saimeh, to the rank of Professor Dr. Professor Dr. Abu Saimeh exerted continuous efforts in several scientific and practical fields during his work
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Chairman of the Board of Trustees at Middle East University opens an Art Gallery
Wednesday, 06 April 2022
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The Chairman of the Board of Trustees at Middle East University, Dr. Yacoub Nasereddin, opened the art gallery held by the Faculty of Architecture and Design, on the occasion of Al Karameh Battle Memory, Women’s Day and Mother’s Day to display art works of Dr. Ansaf Al Rabadi and Dr. Ahmad Abu Hani, from the
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Middle East University participates in a Dialogue Session held by the Arab Thought Forum
Wednesday, 06 April 2022
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The Chairman of the Board of Trustees at MEU, Dr. Yacoub Nasereddin, participated in a dialogue session held at the Arab Thought Forum, by visual communication; in the presence of Dr. Mohammad Abu Hamour, previous minister and secretary of the forum, Dr. Mohammad Al Qatashteh, political science professor and previous parliament member, Dr. Amal al
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The Faculty of Business at Middle East University meets Outstanding Students
Sunday, 03 April 2022
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Dean of the Faculty of Business at MEU, Dr. Hesham Abu Saimeh, met outstanding students from all majors of the Faculty, in the presence of the faculty member, Dr. Ahmad Al Harasees. Dr. Abu Saimeh discussed, during the meeting, the future plans of the Faculty and scholarships abroad. He explained that the meeting is to
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