The Council of Deans at Middle East University decided to promote the Dean of the Faculty of Business and faculty member at the Faculty of Information Technology, Dr. Hesham Said Abu Saimeh, to the rank of Professor Dr.
Professor Dr. Abu Saimeh exerted continuous efforts in several scientific and practical fields during his work at MEU. He was assigned as an Acting President of the Dean of International Programmes for three years (2018-2021), Acting Dean of Graduate Studies and Scientific Research for four years (2016-2020) and recently the Dean of the Faculty of Business.
It is worth to mention that Dr. Abu Saimeh was the Dean of the Faculty of Information Technology and an expert member at the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). He holds a PHD in Computer Science from Loughborough University in the UK; conducted twenty eight refereed researches published in renounced international journals, participated at eleven international scientific conferences and published four books.