Graduate Studies and Scientific Research

About Deanship of Graduate Studies Scientific Research

Founded at the beginning of 2018, the Deanship of Graduate Studies and Scientific Research is responsible for overseeing all graduate studies and scientific research affairs at MEU. It supervises the graduate programmes admission processes at the University and keeps tabs on graduate students’ academic and research performance. The Deanship fosters an educational environment that revolves around the needs of MEU students to help them reach more sophisticated levels of academic and research achievements.
The Deanship looks to keep up with the accreditation and quality assurance standards in order to realise the University’s aim for its sustainable development.
The Deanship encourages MEU’s faculty and researchers to undertake original and innovative research projects that will lead to the general enrichment of our knowledge and serve the community. The Deanship is always eager to cooperate with academic and research institutions by conducting joint research and exchanging expertise.

Dean's Message

The Deanship of Graduate Studies and Scientific Research was founded to support the University as it works towards achieving its vision and mission. It is dedicated to fulfilling the community’s needs and providing the local and international labour market with qualified professionals. The Deanship’s main objective is to facilitate a pleasant undergraduate experience that instills scholars with the desire to pursue graduate degrees.