Bachelor of Accounting

Accounting is the language of money and commerce, and is one of the most demanded specializations in the domestic and international market. It is also one of the most financially rewarding specializations, as it provides a rapidly-developing and clear professional career path. Accounting is defined as the process of regularly and professionally recording commercial financial transactions, as well as reporting this information to tax and regulatory bodies.


Where and what do Accounting graduates work?

Those who study accounting have various job opportunities, since accounting is an integral part of the structure of any business.

Accountants can provide accounting services, accounts auditing, budget preparation, and deliver courses in accounting.

Therefore, they can work as officers or supervisors at:

Accounting companies, exchange companies, ministries and municipalities, banks, commercial companies, factories, organizations, societies, educational centers and institutions, among others.


Why study Accounting at MEU?

  1. The Faculty of Business, which teaches the program, received the quality certificate issued by the Accreditation and Quality Assurance Commission for Higher Education Institutions.
  2. A syllabus that is up to date with the needs of the local and international market.
  3. A distinguished academic faculty composed of graduates from esteemed international universities.
  4. Free extracurricular training courses provided by the Career Guidance and Alumni Office/King Abdullah II Fund for Development.
  5. The university boasts state-of-the-art technologies and classrooms, providing students with an advanced learning experience.