Learning Outcomes

Bachelor Programs

Accounting Program

This program is designed to graduate students who are able to:

1. Implement critical thinking on accounting fields.
2. Identify problems faced by business institutions and set appropriate solutions for them.
3. Communicate successfully and professionally through writing, speaking and  through the use of computers.
4. Analyze economic, political, ethical and organizational environments.
5. Work with the public in accordance with professional ethics.
6. Use information of accounting in making appropriate financial and accounting decisions.
7. Contribute to analyzing practical cases and problems scientifically and logically.
8. Be aware of financial accounting from a global perspective.

Business Administration Program
This program is designed to graduate students who are able to:

1. Implement critical thinking in administrative fields.
2. Communicate verbally and in writing to deliver presentations on business and general communications.
3. Understand cultural diversity of business communities and implement administrative concepts.
4. Employ information technology in administrative fields effectively.
5. Apply conceptual frameworks derived from other sciences in administrative fields.
6. Conduct self-assessment in the fields of leadership, teamwork and innovation.
7. Contribute to analyzing local and international environmental aspects of business sectors.
8. Contribute to making administrative decisions.

Finance Program
This program is designed to graduate students who are able to:

1. Implement critical thinking in financial fields.
2. Contribute to analyzing practical cases and financial problems logically.
3. Optimally utilize writing and speaking in the use of computers.
4. Analyze the economic, political, ethical and organizational environment.
5. Use accounting information in making appropriate financial decisions.
6. Contribute to analyzing several types of risks faced by business institutions and set appropriate solutions for them.
7. Deal with international finance operations.
8. Specify appropriate methods to handle any threats or risks that business institutions may be exposed to.
9. Develop student skills in research and handling several financial problems.
10. Apply analytical methods in several fields in order to make and implement decisions effectively.

Marketing Program
This program is designed to graduate students who are able to:

1. Implement critical thinking in marketing fields.
2. Apply marketing concepts to the business communities.
3. Understand cultural diversity of business communities.
4. Employ innovative thinking mechanisms in the fields of marketing.
5. Optimally employ information technology in marketing fields.
6. Apply conceptual frameworks derived from other sciences in marketing fields.
7. Contribute to formulating marketing strategies by analyzing local and international environmental aspects.
8. Contribute to making marketing decisions and engage in decision-making programs.

E-Marketing and Social Media

  1. Gain basic knowledge in digital marketing theories and social media concepts.
  2. Implement critical and innovative thinking in digital marketing and social media fields.
  3. Designing and implementing digital marketing and social media concepts in business.
  4. Optimal use of digital platforms in the field of marketing.
  5. Contribute to formulating a digital marketing plan and social media and applying it to the target segment.
  6. Students will be able to successfully start and manage their own business.
  7. Students will be able to apply theory with practice and critically evaluate opportunities and challenges.
  8. Students will be able to interact with potential clients and thus satisfy their needs and desires online.

Tourism Management Program
This program is designed to graduate students who are able to:

1. Implement critical thinking on several fields of tourism management.
2. Prepare reservations, bills and balance of expenses and transfer them to customer sheet and complete procedures of booking airline tickets.
3. Evaluate data analysis applications and prepare reports and forms available at tourist companies.
4. Use Geographical Information Systems (GIS) and apply them on the tourism sector.
5. Develop the natural product for tourism attraction.
6. Expand the global trend to preserve and maintain heritage in tourism industry.
7. Contribute to applying and implementing strategies, plans and programs necessary to maintain heritage villages.
8. Contribute to analyzing aesthetic aspects of advertising and how it is associated with the media of tourism.
9. Contribute to analyzing points of strength and weakness in heritage villages.

Masters Programs

Accounting Program
This program is designed to prepare graduate students who are able to:

1. Implement research and critical thinking on several fields of accounting.
2. Optimally employ accounting skills in accordance with the requirements of the labor market.
3. Make decisions and solve different accounting and financial problems.
4. Analyze accounting and financial practical cases in accordance with standard operating procedures.
5. Optimally employ information technology used in accounting and financial fields.
6. Analyze problems in accounting according to standard operating procedures.

Business Administration Program
This program is designed to prepare graduate students who are able to:

1. Implement research and critical thinking on administrative fields.
2. Make decisions and solve varied administrative problems.
3. Analyze local and global environment of competitive companies.
4. Communicate in all relevant, whether inside or outside.
5. Exercise leadership skills in management and in team leadership.
6. Continuously develop and enhance their abilities by concentrating on concepts of management.
7. Develop their strategic planning in ways that contribute to achieving the vision and mission of the institution.
8. Conduct self-assessment in a way that contributes to achieving institution’s strategy.

E-Business Program
This program is designed to prepare graduate students who are able to:

1. Implement critical thinking and write research on E-Business.
2. Analyze local and global environments of e-business.
3. Make decisions and solve administrative problems emerging in e-business environments.
4. Communicate in all aspects, whether inside or outside.
5. Employ leadership skills in managing e-business.
6. Continuously concentrate on modern concepts of management, such as Total Quality Management.
7. Implement modern administrative and e-business concepts.
8. Plan strategic contributions to achieve the vision and mission of the institution.
9. Optimally employ technology in the field of e-business.