Bachelor of Pharmacy

A pharmacist is a healthcare specialist experienced in pharmaceuticals, and is the main expert responsible for selling medications and giving advice on how to use and manage them. The profession of pharmacy is in constant development to invent and introduce modern pharmaceutical practices that provide the best possible healthcare to the members of society.

The main purpose of this program is to provide the knowledge and the skills needed to prepare students for practicing pharmacy as a profession and become experts in pharmaceuticals.

The program focuses on building a strong basis for the student in topics related to pharmaceutical science and practice, so that they are able to apply these main principles easily once they graduate.


Where and what do Pharmacy graduates work?

  • As a pharmacist or an owner of a community pharmacy.
  • At pharmacy departments at hospitals and health centers.
  • International and local pharmaceutical companies.
  • Pharmaceutical warehouses.
  • Organizations concerned with controlling pharmaceutical industries and the safety of medications.

In addition, the Bachelor of Pharmacy enables graduates to start their own enterprises in one of the various areas taught during their studies.

Why study Pharmacy at MEU?

  1. MEU scored five stars in teaching and post-graduation employment, according to QS® ranking.
  2. The faculty that teaches this program is accredited by the University of Strathclyde for the joint MPharm 3 + 2 program with MEU.
  3. A distinguished academic faculty composed of graduates from esteemed international universities.
  4. A syllabus that is up to date with the developments in Pharmacy.
  5. State-of-the-art technologies and classrooms, providing students with an advanced learning experience.
  6. State-of-the-art infrastructure and outstanding student facilities.
  7. Focus on field training and practical skills.
  8. Free extracurricular training courses provided by the Career Guidance and Alumni Office/King Abdullah II Fund for Development.
  9. A distinctive university environment with a diversity of students.