Is MEU an accredited University? And is it a public or private university?
MEU is a private university registered at the Ministry of Higher Education & Scientific Research. It is accredited on the public, private, local, and international levels. It is also a member of European University Association (EUA).
Can registration and acceptance be performed online?
Acceptance, completion of registration procedures, and registration in courses are conducted electronically through student’s E-Gate at the university’s website.
Is there a specific age range for students to apply at the University?
A students who is having a High School Certificate regardless of its type can apply for acceptance at the university.
Can non-Jordanians who are having non-Jordanian Certificates enrolled at the university?
Yes. Students who are having non-Jordanian certificates such as, GCE, IB, American High School Diploma, or equivalent can apply electronically through MEU’s website during the periods set by the Registration & Admission Unit. Such certificates must be certified by the Ministry of Education in order to be accepted.
Can a Non-Jordanian Student be enrolled at the University?
Yes. Non-Jordanian Student from all over the world can be enrolled at the university through applying at the E-Registration & Admission Unit.
Is it true that priority in acceptance is provided according to the application date?
The University treats all students the same regardless of the date of their applications. A student who would apply at the due date will receive the same treatment as the one who applied first.
In the event of failure, can I reapply for the placement test?
It is not allowed to reapply for the placement test under any circumstances.
I Applied for a Placement Test at Another University. Can I be exempted from Applying for a New Placement Test at your University and Provide you with the Equalize Score I Achieved from that University?
Yes, you can. You should submit an application for equivalency. The application form can be downloaded from the “E-Services” available under the section “Students Services”.
Can a newly enrolled student change his/her major during the first semester?
A newly enrolled student cannot change major unless one semester is passed after his/her registration. Moreover, changing major will depend on the General Secondary Certificate’s average and the principles issued by the Council of Deans in this regard. Moreover, changing major will also depend on the program, minimum requirements for acceptance, and vacant seats which are set according to the majors at that time.
In the event I was not accepted at the major I had applied for, is it possible to enroll in another major then transfer to the major I desire to study?
Changing major is subject to the average a student achieved at his/her General Secondary Certificate (Tawjihi) and to the vacant seats at the major he/she is applying for. These seats are determined in accordance with the Council of Deans’ decisions.
Is registration available at Second Term Semester?
If seats for the major a student is applying for are available, he/she would be accepted.
Is registration available at Summer Semester?
Yes, registration is available at Summer Semester.
Is it true that a student who is having a certificate of sport/Art excellence would receive 10 marks added to his/her General High School Certificate’s average and, accordingly, he/she would be accepted in a major that requires higher average?
This information is completely untrue. It is of common rumors spread among some students. The principles of acceptance in force indicate that a limited number of students of sport/Art excellence are accepted in accordance with principles and standards set by the university.
Is Health Insurance available?
Each student accepted and registered at the University is covered by a health insurance and can receive treatment through his/her university card.
Are transportation services available at the University?
Yes, MEU provides transportation services that connect all areas of the capital of Jordan, Amman.
Can I pay my tuition and other fees by installments?
Yes, the University accepts the payment of tuition and other fees by installments in coordination with the Financial Department at the University.
What is the Study Plan?
Study plan refers to subjects that a students should study in order to complete his major. At the event a student is committed to his study plan, he will be graduated within the specified years needed for his/her graduation.
Is there an Evening Program at the University for Bachelor’s or Master’s Degrees?
There is an Evening Program at the university.
When is a student’s registration cancelled?
A student’s registration is cancelled when he/she is unable to pay the tuition fees after the end of Add/ Drop period assigned according to the university’s calendar for each semester. Moreover, the registration is cancelled for students who are terminated from the university or from their majors.