General Academic Rules

Adding and Dropping:

  • Students are allowed to add and drop courses during the first two weeks of a regular semester.
  • Students who Drop a course within four weeks of starting regular semester will receive 50%of the tuition fees of the dropped course.
  • Students who drop a course after four weeks and till the 14th week from starting regular semester will not receive any tuition fees of the dropped course.
  • Dropping a course or semester should be done by filling out the official forms.
  • Students who withdraw from semester are considered deferred. They are allowed to drop the semester before the beginning of final exams according to the academic calendar.
  • In case of absence from any final exam, a student must fill the official form of incomplete within 48 hours from absence and sit for the incomplete exam by the following next semester as scheduled by the faculty.

Deferred Semesters:

Maximum allowed deferred semester by the faculty Dean is one semester and needs Dean’s Council approval for an additional semester.

Deferring a semester is allowed only after completing one regular semester.

Probation and Dismissal:

A student after the first enrolment semester is placed under probation if his GPA is less than (3) points.

 If the faculty council decides that the student is not making any progress in his thesis, he is placed on probation.

A student has one semester to remove the probation and must have a GPA of not less than three (3).

Dismissal from Program:

A student is dismissed from program if:

  •  He does not fulfill the upper limit allowed period of graduation.
  • Fails in thesis defense.
  • Fails in comprehensive exam twice.

Comprehensive Exam:

A student must sit for the Comprehensive exam after finishing the required hours with a GPA not less than (3.00).


The thesis may be registered after completing (15) credit hours and the GPA is not less than (3.00).

A student must abide by the thesis procedure such as writing an accepted proposal and successfully defend the thesis.

The deadline between proposal and defense of proposal is one semester, if not, a student transferred to the comprehensive.

The period between the proposal approval and thesis defense is four months and two semesters at most within the upper limit allowed period of graduation.

Grading System:

The Grading System of the Master’s Degree (2015/2016).


  • Minimum pass grade for each course is(C+).
  • Minimum pass grade of remedial courses is (C) and appears in the transcript as either pass or fail.

Cumulative and Semester Average Grades:

The minimum Cumulative average pass grade is (3.00).