Library Services
Circulation service:
The service is available during working hours and is governed by borrowing instructions and policies regarding the number of books allowed to be borrowed by the patrons, the allowed duration of borrowing, and fees for book loss or late return beyond the specified date, as follows:
- University faculty members can borrow a maximum of 10 books for one semester.
- University staff can borrow a maximum of 3 books for two weeks.
- University postgraduate students can borrow a maximum of 5 books for two weeks.
- University undergraduate and higher diploma students can borrow a maximum of 3 books for two weeks.
Reserved shelf service:
Books are placed on the reserved shelf based on the request of university faculty members, after filling out the approved form. Reserved shelf books are only borrowed for one night and must be returned the next morning.
Efforts are inprocess to implement interlibrary loan with the Excellence Center for private University Libraries members.(CELSJPU)
Reference services:
The university library offers reference services to its patrons, which involve guiding students and researchers to the information resources they need in various forms. This includes training them on how to access and use it through both traditional and electronic means.
Current awareness service:
This is a notification to inform the community of patrons about new arrived information resources through various available traditional and electronic means. It can be accessed through the link:
Dissemination of information service:
Through this service, patrons are informed about information resources received by the library, categorized according to the areas of interest of the community of patrons. This aims to save time and effort for researchers, keeping them informed about what is new in the library, and sending to them through available means.
Online service:
This involves receiving inquiries and needs of researchers and students through available communication channels, providing them with available information resources such as books, university theses, dissertation, and peer-reviewed scientific articles. through conducting search operations in electronic databases, sharing the results based on their interests and objective needs.
Photocopying Service:
This service is provided by offering suitable devices for document photocopying and making them available to the Patrons community. It also allows sending the document through available and authorized communication means, whether traditional or electronic.
Patrons Training service:
The service aims to develop the skills of the Patrons community in optimizing the use of library services. This is done through organizing various workshops and courses on how to use the computerized library system (OPAC), the services provided by the library, accessing information resources, dictionaries, references, encyclopedias as well as how to access and use the electronic databases subscribed by the university library.
Bibliographic Lists Preparation:
This involves extracting and preparing bibliographic lists for available information resources within the library’s collections. These lists serve scientific research purposes and help identify the required information resources in a specific field, organized according to the needs of the Patrons and researchers.