AMMAN – The Registration Department at Middle East University is gladly accepting online application forms from national and international prospective students via the dedicated admission portal https://reg.meu.edu.jo/faces/ui/pages/guest/admissionOnline/index.xhtml/ for the 2020/2021 academic year. The Department would also like to encourage students to use the existing online registration platform, which was activated in response to the Council of Higher Education’s recent decisions.
The Director of the Registration Department, Ms Nadia al-Bakri, said that the platform will allow prospective students to submit their application forms for admission to the university’s undergraduate and postgraduate programmes. She also added that they will be able to provide their personal information and upload all the required documents all in one place.
Prospective students and their parents can also contact the university via the following numbers:
Student Recruitment Centre:
For enquiries regarding international programmes: