AMMAN – Middle East University organised a carnival titled “Celebrating Alumni”, which honoured former students ranging from the alumni of MEU’s first graduating class in 2005 to alumni of MEU’s most recently graduated class. This carnival is part of MEU’s efforts to maintain a caring and communicative relationship with all of its students and alumni.
Prof. Aladdin Al Halhouli, the Vice President for Scientific Faculties, gave a speech to the carnival attendees, who included former students, deans, and other staff and faculty members, where he stated, “The main goal of events like these is to bring MEU’s alumni together in one fun place so that we can all catch up on their latest successes. It is important to touch base with our former students as they represent MEU upon their entrance into the professional world both locally and internationally.”
Prof. Halhouli also went on to say, “MEU prioritizes listening to all of its distinguished alumni’s comments, concerns, and opinions in order to better learn how to improve the educational services we provide. Occasions like this also give us the chance to familiarize our alumni with MEU’s accomplishments since their departure from our esteemed institution, and highlight the steps MEU has made towards achieving international acclaim, including MEU’s hosting of a number of University of Bedfordshire’s programmes and the establishment of a joint MPhramm degree in collaboration with the University of Strathclyde.”
Dr. Ma’moun Al Huneiti, the Dean of Student Affairs, also spoke at the event, where he addressed MEU’s role in the life of its graduates. He commented, “Activities like this are meant to help MEU follow up with its students’ professional successes since their time at MEU. We are always eager to have our alumni participate in the many similar events that are regularly organized by the Department of Alumni Tracking and Follow-Up Services. The Department also periodically runs a number of courses and workshops that aim to help MEU alumni further develop their professional skills and broaden their career prospects.”
Many of the alumni in attendance also gave speeches during the carnival where they spoke about how glad they are to have attended MEU, and how grateful they are that their MEU education gave them the knowledge that has led to their professional success and to many amazing opportunities. They also commented on how proud they are of MEU’s recent achievements in elevating the University’s academic status on an international scale.
The carnival’s events included a number of entertaining performances and games, where attendees had the chance to win a number of prizes. Attendees left the event with a gift bag in hand, satisfied with the day’s pleasant events.