In continuation of the activities organized by MEU for the Second Centennial, and as part of the Third Scientific and Cultural Season, the Faculty of Pharmacy organized a scientific lecture through Zoom given by Prof. Ibrahim Sbeih, Consultant Neurosurgeon, on the Covid-19 pandemic and his personal experience with the disease.
Sbeih spoke about the extent to which he and his family suffered during his disease, and provided a review of major scientific and medical updates, as well as the research being done to study the pandemic. Moreover, he explained the major risks inflicted by this disease on the respiratory system, the kidneys, and the heart among other organs. He warned against the risks of this virus on the human body. He also stressed the importance of receiving vaccination, keeping a safe distance from others, and wearing masks in order to put a limit to this pandemic.
The lecture was attended by a large number academic personnel and alumni from MEU, several of whom related their personal experiences with the disease. The lecture was concluded with a brief speech given by Dr. Ammar Al-Maaitah, Dean of the Faculty of Pharmacy at MEU, who lauded Prof. Ibrahim Sbeih’s professionalism and his outstanding academic rank as one of the world’s prominent neurosurgeons.