MEU launched the Dr. Yacoub Nasereddin Award for Free Reading and Creative Writing in its first season, on the level of all Jordanian universities, to coincide with celebrating the World Arabic Language Day on the 18th of December.
This award carried the name of Dr. Yacoub Nasereddin, founder of MEU and Chairman of the Board of Trustees, in recognition of his efforts in fostering youth and supporting their creativity. It also confirms his belief in the role of reading and writing skills to develop human knowledge and intellectual potential and enhance emotional, interactive and creative approaches with members of the community reaching to a strong and solid state.
Professor Dr. Ahmad Mousa, Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences and head of the award’s jury, clarified that the award is annual and includes three competitions: Free reading and creative writing in the fields of articles and short stories. Moreover, the award aims to enhance the attachment of university students in Jordan with their language and identity and to prepare an environment which motivates self-learning as well as acquiring general culture and positive moral values, through encouraging free reading and motivating them to cultivate their creative capabilities in the field of writing.
The award’s jury, which consisted of faculty members specialized and creative in Arabic Language from MEU and other universities, prepared an appropriate environment to participate online due to the surrounding health circumstances through the e-link: ynpcrw.meu.edu.jo. Later on, the jury will receive participations in the fields of the award and evaluate them before announcing the winners and granting them valuable prizes.