As part of MEU’s celebrations of the Second Centennial, the Faculty of Media organized a training session entitled “The Rule of Law is Our Guarantee”, in cooperation with The Arab World Center for Democracy Development & Human Rights (UniHrD). The workshop was presented by Dr. Muna Abu Jame’a and Dr. Samar Maknai, in the presence of several students, academic personnel, and administrative personnel; with maintaining public safety measures.
This training session is one of the best expressions of the requirements and the goals of sustainable development, which were referred to by His Majesty King Abdullah II is his sixth discussion paper:
Rule of law is meant to ensure that principles of justice, equality, transparency and accountability are upheld by all state institutions and community members, with no exception, especially officials in leading positions. This needs to be translated into practices on the ground as there is not a single administration that can continue with its reform efforts and enhance its performance without adopting rule of law as a constant approach and key pillar in its work.
Through such workshops, MEU seeks to establish rule of law as a national goal which leads the strategic planning referred to by His Majesty towards an ambitious vision of the second centennial. In addition, this workshop came to demonstrate that rule of law and development are strongly connected, and that promoting rule of law on both the national and the international levels is essential for ongoing, inclusive economic development and sustainable development.