MEU received this Saturday a delegation from the Jordanian Pharmacy Students Association (JPSA) to check the laboratory designated for the new major introduced in 2020/2021 at the Faculty of Pharmacy “Formulation of Cosmetic Chemical Products” and to see the equipment and procedures involved in manufacturing cosmetics and chemicals.
The Acting Dean of the Faculty of Pharmacy Dr. Nawzat Dheeb gave an explanation of the nature of the duties assigned to the faculty and of the newly introduced major.
The delegation was composed of 25 students from the University of Jordan, the Hashemite University, the Jordanian University of Science and Technology and several students from MEU.
A team of supervisors from the faculty’s labs gave both verbal and practical explanations of the methods and equipment involved in manufacturing cosmetics. In addition, the team introduced manufacturing experiments of some cosmetic creams.
The coordinator of the Professional Development Program Pharmacist Njood Al Kasem presented a plaque to MEU in acknowledgement and appreciation of its continuous cooperation and support of JPSA. At the end of the meeting, the student’s delegation distributed some cosmetic samples.