MEU achieves a new accomplishment after receving UK’s Royal Academy of Engineering’s approval to support a project entitled “Digital Twin Software for the Partial Control of Jordanian Electric Networks in Relation with Cybersecurity”, conducted by a research team lead by Prof. Ala’aldeen al-Halhouli, President of MEU.
The project will be conducted in cooperation with the University of Newcastle, the German Jordanian University, JEPCO, ETA-max Energy & Environmen Solutions, and Al-Anwa Co. It aims to develop a digital twin for the electric network to perform as a virtual model for the real network, as this would allow controlling the virtual electric network both under natural circumstances and under cyber threats. Moreover, it would transform the network into multiple smart networks, leading to limiting the consumption of carbon waste and increasing the use of renewable energy resources instead of the traditional resources for energy.
MEU was also able to secure approval to support a project on Removing Carbon from Jordanian Power Systems using Smart Solutions Based on Energy Storage in cooperation with Mutah University. The project aims to store energy in a manner that would enable increasing the reliability and stability of energy systems in Jordan and the contribution of renewable energy in power systems in Jordan.