Under the patronage of Dr. Ala’addin Al Halhouli, the Deanship of Students Affairs organized a stand for the Jordanian flag in celebration of the National Flag Day. The event was attended by members of both the academic and the administrative faculties, deans of faculties, and several MEU employees, within the measures of public safety. This celebration comes as an emphasis of the symbolism of the flag, which was carried throughout the years by generation after generation to protect the soil of this country.
Dr. Salim Sharif, the Dean of Students Affairs, spoke on behalf of MEU students who could not attend the event, stressing their pride of the flag of their country. This is an extension of MEU’s investment in the centenary celebrations to emphasise the symbolism of the Jordanian flag as an emblem of pride that accompanies every national celebration. Moreover, MEU boasts the tallest flagpole among Jordanian universities.