AMMAN – The Faculty of Arts and Sciences at Middle East University organised its first-ever Religious Reciting and Chanting competition, judged by Mr. Mustafa Muteir and Mr. Mohammad Yousef. The event was attended by a number of faculty members, administrative staff, and students.
Dr. Mohammad Al Arman, the Head of the Organising Committee, stated, “We organised this competition to enhance students’ skills in the recitation of the Holy Qur’an and to encourage students’ dedication and eagerness during their pursuit of knowledge. Students will surely benefit from such endeavours as competitions like this are sure to help strengthen their faith and teach them how to be productive during their free time.” He also added, “Such competitions also help participants develop their linguistic abilities, which is why I have been ardent in emphasizing the importance of forming a chanting team to represent the University at local and international competitions.”
At the end of the competition, student Feras Turkeye from the Faculty of Engineering won the MEU Reciting Award, and student Nehro Hekmat from the Faculty of Information Technology won the MEU Chanting Award. Attendees later spoke about feeling tranquil and at peace after hearing the participant’s calming dulcet performances