Amman – The Innovation and Entrepreneurship Centre at Middle East University organised an interactive session on the impact that the COVID-19 crisis may have future technological and innovative directions. The session was held in cooperation with Qualcomm, and presented by Dr. Khaled al-Maleh, Director of Technology. The session was also attended by MEU’s Vice President for Scientific Faculties, Prof. Aladdin al-Halhouli, and representatives from the Jordanian Ministry of Youth, the German-Jordanian University, the Jordan University of Science and Technology, Umniah’s business incubator “The Tank”, al-Hussein Technical University, and the Scientific Research and Innovation Support Fund.
Dr. al-Maleh reviewed multiple examples of smart devices and clothing that will be presented to the world after the COVID-19 crisis. He discussed Apple and Google’s smart methods of encouraging users to download applications that allow them to keep up-to-date with the spread of the COVID-19 and teach them how to keep themselves safe. He also touched on the question of whether some wearable smart devices are capable of detecting the novel coronavirus before individuals present symptoms.
Prof. al-Halhouli said, “Distance learning has become a necessity, especially in times of crisis and pandemics that require social distancing. The distance learning method was launched a long time ago and was employed in many ways, but it is now more important than ever.” He went on to add, “It is time for the digital transformation of education so that we can continue the education process. The novel coronavirus, or COVID-19, has left billions of people around the world with the need to rely on distance learning systems.”
The session was moderated by the Director of the IEC, Dr. Abdelrahman Zuraik, who reviewed the new behaviours that have been appearing in our societies since the beginning of the COVID-19 crisis to help spread these ideas all around the globe.
This session is part of a series of weekly lectures that are being offered by the IEC since the beginning of the COVID-19 crisis. The IEC believes that the world is now aiming towards promoting innovation, information technology, and entrepreneurship more than ever as these concepts will allow us to support the capabilities of youthful Jordanian innovators who are now offered the opportunity to establish future partnerships with Qualcomm.