Amman – The Middle East University organized a scientific workshop entitled: “Cosmetics industry and the importance of consumer safety”, which examines cosmetic manufacturing development techniques and regulations that ensure consumer safety by committing to comprehensive safety assessments and ensuring that products are free from harmful ingredients and contaminants.
The workshop was sponsored by the University President Prof. Salam Al-Mahadin, Dean of Pharmacy Dr. Nawzat Al-Jabour, in the presence of representatives of a number of pharmaceutical and food institutions, cosmetic factories, medical laboratories, ministries and specialized bodies, deans and faculty members of several Jordanian universities, and students.
The workshop, which comes in collaboration with Jordanian Academia Industry Platform (JAIP), highlighted the important role of consumers in ensuring their own safety by reading labels, following instructions, and recognizing allergens and potential irritants.
The workshop included several lectures beginning with: “Nanotechnology and Cosmetics”, presented by Dean of Pharmaceutical Sciences at the Hashemite University Prof. Saja Hamid, who demonstrated the role of nanotechnology that has made its way towards the cosmetics industry in creating new products with improved characteristics, including sunscreens using zinc oxide and titanium dioxide.
Another lecture titled: “EU Cosmetics Trading” was presented by the founder and general manager of JAIP Dr. Khaled Khrissat, was centered on updates to the EU Cosmetics Regulation, and what manufacturers or importers must do to keep up with the latest requirements and regulations that ensure compliance with the EU market. And finally, a lecture entitled: “Latest Updates of Laws for Cosmetic Regulation in Jordan”, presented by Head of Importing and Exporting Cosmetic and Pharmaceutical Beauty Department at Jordan Food and Drug Administration Dr. Afnan Al-Qadi, in which she spoke about the requirements and procedures for licensing cosmetics in Jordan, based on international standards and guidelines.
The workshop featured a closing discussion session on cosmetics that included Dean of Pharmacy at Middle East University Dr. Al Jabbour, founder of JAIP Dr. Khrissat, Director of the Medical Devices Directorate at the Food and Drug Administration Dr. Nagham Al-Hawrani, Head of Cosmetic Inspection at the administration Dr. Ishac Abu Hussein, Founder and Director of Juman Cosmetic Products Factory Dr. Rasha Al-Eid, and the Deneral Manager of Naratech Laboratory Eng. Ala’a Dabbesi.