Amman – MEU was chosen to be listed within the national framework of qualifications accredited by the Accreditation and Quality Assurance Commission for Higher Education Institutions. This decision came after a specialized committee paid several visits to the university, during which it checked the university’s commitment to the seven different criteria for listing. For this purpose, MEU had made all the requirements for listing with the help of specialized entities.
Prof. Ala’addin Al-Halhouli, President of MEU, said that the national framework of qualifications is in line with the university’s policy and vision to be a landmark on an international level and a home for unique experiences and qualifications that follow the latest international criteria. He also pointed out that MEU is exerting all possible power to be in line with the updates on the Jordanian national framework of qualifications in terms of the level of the knowledge outputs, skills, and capacities needed for increasing the possibility of MEU being classified according to the highest level of academic outputs, where students acquire the skills they need for a purposeful career.
He also added that the national framework for qualifications is a comprehensive learning system for classifying academic, vocational, training, and pre-learning qualifications, and it contributes to facilitating and increasing job opportunities to graduates, in addition to the possibility of students transferring to other institutions within Jordan and abroad. He pointed out that MEU has created a specialized department for following up with the quality of the outputs of the academic process and its alignment with different relevant criteria, and in collaboration with all faculties, centers, and departments.