Amman: A scientific seminar, entitled “Documentary Archives in Jordan: Between Reality and Ambition,” held at the Middle East University, offered a forum for examining the cultural and historical aspects of the national archive and underscoring its crucial function in safeguarding the collective memory of Jordanians.
The seminar, moderated by Dr. Hanan Al-Sheikh, Dean of the Faculty of Media, was attended by several distinguished guests, including the Director General of the Royal Jordanian Hashemite Documentation Center, Dr. Muhannad Mubaidin; the Secretary General of the Ministry of Digital Economy, Ms. Samira Al-Zoubi; and the Director of the Technical and Studies Department at the Ministry. The attendees also included Mr. Suleiman Shuqairat, Mr. Ahmad Al-Louzi, Dr. Hazem Al-Nsour, Prof. Anis Al-Mansour, deans of faculties, and a group of students.
The seminar, organised by the Consulting, Training, and Languages Centre, examined the contributions of Jordan to the field of national archives and the significance of preserving manuscripts that serve as cornerstones of national identity. This reflects a proactive awareness of the importance of these documents as primary sources of national history.
Furthermore, the seminar addressed the challenges and opportunities presented by modern technology in reshaping the national archive. In this context, digitisation has emerged as an effective tool to enhance the ability to manage and preserve documents in innovative ways that keep pace with global developments.
The participants emphasised the need to employ technology to enhance the historical value of the national archive and highlight its role in enhancing cultural awareness and national identity. The vision was formed around the importance of adopting integrated national strategies that contribute to the protection of Jordan’s documentary heritage, with a focus on involving new generations in this national effort to transform the archive from a mere preserved document to a living memory that beats with the spirit of the nation and its history.