AMMAN – The International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning, a Q2 journal covered by Scopus, published a Master’s thesis titled “The Effectiveness of Using Animation on Academic Sciences Achievement in Science Subject among the Third Grade Students in Al-Jeezah District Schools” conducted by student Foza al-Zaben, studying Information and Communication Technology in Education at Middle East University’s Faculty of Educational Sciences, prior to defence.
Ms. al-Zaben’s supervisor and faculty member at the Faculty of Educational Sciences, Dr. Manal al-Tawalbeh, said, “The thesis being approved for publication prior to defence by a Scopus-covered journal is proof of its originality and adherence to the set conditions and requirements.”
Ms. al-Zaben investigated how employing animations in teaching Science to third graders affects their academic performance. She arrived at a statistically-significant contrast in the study sample’s performance as the experimental group outperformed the control group upon conducting an achievement test.