The Counseling and Psychological Services Center organized an empowerment session entitled “Test Anxiety in Relation to Stress” through Microsoft Teams.
The session was meant to be held simultaneously with the test preparation period, given that exams are set to be held online. The session was directed toward students who suffer from anxiety attacks as the examination period approaches.
The Center Director, Dr. Amani Doughlas, explained during the session that anxiety is a natural feeling that does not differ from any other emotional reaction. What’s more, anxiety can be healthy when positive, being a motivational trigger for carrying out tasks. On the other hand, negative anxiety, sometimes also called health anxiety, reflects negatively on the person’s life and brings about disturbed thoughts and troubling behaviour.
Dr. Doughlas also pointed out that during the examination period some students suffer from test anxiety that is reflected in feeling extremely distressed and frustrated. This anxiety can also manifest itself in physical symptoms such as palpitations, perspiration, tremor, and eating disorder. Other symptoms may be related to cognitive and behavioral aspects.
Dr. Doughlas also gave advice on how to deal with test anxiety, saying that it is necessary to manage anxiety internally and find the motivation for achievement. In addition, she explained the importance of redirecting anxiety by deviating from negative self-talk, contemplating, ensuring psychological readiness, and fostering personal interests.
Finally, Dr. Doughlas gave advice on some studying methods, such as using reference and help books, re-writing notes, setting up a comfortable study environment away from distractions, and getting enough sleep. The session was attended by a body of students and teaching staff.