AMMAN – Under the patronage of H.E. the Minister of Health, Dr. Saad Jaber, Middle East University, represented by the Innovation and Entrepreneurship Centre (IEC), organised a second online medical conference on the developments of COVID-19 via Zoom. The conference was organised in partnership with the Interventional Cardiovascular Club (ICC), Pharma International Co, and the Specialty Hospital, and included more than 400 MD participants from Jordan, Palestine, Iraq, and other countries.
H.E. Dr. Jaber expressed his appreciation of the organising parties’ efforts, spearheaded by MEU, to raise awareness about the dangers of this novel virus as it spreads worldwide. He also reviewed the procedures followed by the Ministry of Health and all official Jordanian entities to combat the spread of COVID-19. He stated, “Our operations were first launched at al-Bashir Hospital and the Prince Hamzah Hospital in Amman. Other Jordanian hospitals that were equipped with all necessary medical supplies soon followed suit.”
His Excellency also added, “The Ministry of Health began training medical and nursing staff on how to deal with infectious diseases since the novel virus first appeared in China.” He went on to review the total number of cases currently being treated at Jordanian hospitals, and discussed these hospitals’ capacities in terms of the number of available ventilators and their stock of necessary medications needed to treat medium to extreme cases. H.E. ended his brief by reassuring the attendees that the health situation in Jordan is under control.
M.D. Ibrahim Zreq, the Programme Director of Internal Medicine at Specialty Hospital, stressed the importance of organising such conferences as we are currently in dire need of information on how to combat humanity’s common enemy, the novel Coronavirus. He also praised the ceaseless efforts being made by the Jordanian health sector to maintain Jordan’s stable condition thus far.
Senator M.D. Ibrahim Qsous, Interventional Cardiologist and former Director of the Jordanian Royal Medical Services, spoke about the Jordanian experience in combating this virus, and struck a comparison between Jordan and other countries around the world as they race against time to control this pandemic. He said, “Jordan has always been proud of its strong health system. Our nation would not have been able to succeed in controlling the spread of COVID-19 without it.”
Dr. Abdelrahman Zuraik, the Director of IEC, commented, “This series of conferences is the first of its kind to be held in Jordan and the region. It was organised to discuss the latest information and studies on the novel Coronavirus.”
The medical doctors in attendance took questions regarding COVID-19 developments and specifically discussed both the possibility of finding a cure or vaccine for COVID-19 in the near future and the latest studies related to this matter.