Amman: The first meeting of the Student Parliament was convened at Middle East University, presided over by the chairman of the university’s Board of Trustees, His Excellency Dr. Yaqoub Nasereddin, and in the presence of the secretary general of the National Charter Party, His Excellency Ahmad Al-Hanandeh; the president of the university, Prof. Salam Al-Mahadin; and a number of specialists
This noteworthy event is part of a broader series of initiatives undertaken by the university to strengthen the principles of democracy and cultivate a culture of political engagement among its student body. These efforts are in line with the royal directives aimed at modernising the political process in Jordan.
The Chairman of the University’s Board of Trustees, Dr. Nasereddin, asserted that the university is firmly dedicated to the promotion of democratic processes and the enhancement of student political engagement. He emphasised that students represent the foundation for development and reform and the future leaders of society. Dr. Nasereddin also highlighted that the university’s strategic vision is embodied in the adoption of the slogan ‘Preparing Leaders’ as a fundamental pillar of its educational and societal mission.
Moreover, Dr. Nasereddin underlined the pivotal role of political engagement in preserving and safeguarding national interests through enlightened thought and collaborative teamwork grounded in cooperation and a sense of belonging. He further emphasised that this initiative exemplifies an advanced interpretation of the democratic concept, where youth are empowered as influential agents capable of making meaningful contributions to the decision-making process and forging a more promising future for Jordan.
The Secretary General of the National Charter Party, H.E. Ahmad Al-Hanandeh, stated that this parliament signifies a pioneering endeavour in fostering youth engagement in political affairs and cultivating their comprehension of their role in shaping the future. He emphasised that the profound trust bestowed upon the members of the student parliament necessitates genuine dedication and diligent effort to preserve it.
The Dean of Student Affairs, Dr. Hazem Al Nsour, stated that this event marks a significant milestone in the university’s journey, as the parliament is not merely a student gathering but a platform for the free expression of opinion and active participation in decision-making processes that impact students. He further noted that the election stages were characterised by high transparency and integrity, reflecting the democratic values adopted by the university as part of its vision.
Prof. Tamara Nasereddin, Assistant to the President of the university, congratulated the students on winning the trust of their colleagues, considering that the Student Parliament embodies a model of the democratic life in Jordan. She emphasised the significance of the active involvement of young individuals in the Student Parliament, asserting that they represent a pivotal component in the process of societal transformation and an indispensable element in the political initiative. Prof. Nasereddin further urged the students to assume the role of leaders in fostering positive change, underscoring the necessity to articulate their aspirations through innovative means and impactful programmes that contribute to the advancement of society.
A comprehensive dialogue was conducted with the members of the first student parliament, who expressed their gratitude for the university’s endeavours to enhance the role of the parliament. They emphasised the necessity for collective efforts to ensure the provision of optimal services to students.The meeting was attended by the Vice President of the university, Prof. Ahmad Al-Louzi; the President of the Independent Commission for Student Parliament Elections, Prof. Anis Al-Mansour; deans of faculties; and a group of students.
This significant initiative by Middle East University is a pioneering endeavour in nurturing future leaders and instilling a culture of democracy and teamwork among young individuals.