The third Dr. Yaqoub Nasereddin Cultural Competition (Question and Answer) ended with the Faculty of Law team winning the first place and the Competition Cup, after an exciting final match with the Faculty of Information Technology team. The last team lost by 5 points so that the result of the match, which was in two stages, was 23 points to 28 points.
The sponsor of the competition, Dr. Nasereddin, crowned the winners and handed them cash prizes and certificates of participation. He also crowned the winning students in the cultural and artistic fields for the academic year 2021/2022 through the works that were submitted in the field of short story, journalistic investigation, drawing, and photography.
The competition, held with the presence of the President of MEU, Prof. Dr. Salam Khalid Al Mahadin, Assistant to the President, Dr. Tamara Nasereddin, and several of deans of faculties, faculty members and administrative staff as well as the Deanship of Student Affairs
As for the team of the faculties of Law and Information Technology, they are, respectively: Youssef Muhammad Klub, Faisal Youssef Al-Safadi, Bassam Ali Boushi, and Ali Abdel-Samie Al-Harbawi.