رسائل الماجستير كليةتكنولوجيا المعلومات

عنوان الرسالةالكليةالتخصصالسنةتحميل
Task Scheduling Using Best-Level-Job-First on Private Cloud ComputingInformation TechnologyComputer Science2016Download
A Method for Static Video Summarization for Reducing Power Consumption and Its Impact on BandwidthInformation TechnologyComputer Science2016Download
Image Encryption System by Generating Chains from the Secret KeyInformation TechnologyComputer Science2016Download
Performance Analysis for Fully and Partially Homomorphic Encryption TechniquesInformation TechnologyComputer Science2016Download
A Comparative Study of Classification Techniques for English to Arabic Speech RecognitionInformation TechnologyComputer Information Systems2016Download
A New Statistical Anomaly Detector Model for Keystroke Dynamics on Touch Mobile DevicesInformation TechnologyComputer Science2016Download
The Hiding of Multimedia Secret Files in Dual RGB Cover Images Using LSB Steganography TechniquesInformation TechnologyComputer Science2016Download
Developing Parallel Technique for the Internet of Things Devices by using local Map Reduce at the sink node.Information TechnologyComputer Science2016Download
Analytical Study for the Mutable Order-Preserving Encoding with Periodically Encryption Key ChangingInformation TechnologyComputer Science2016Download
Investigation on Order-Preserving Encryption for Database in Cloud ComputingInformation TechnologyComputer Science2016Download
Applying the Kinect Device for Human Identification System in the ATM EnvironmentInformation TechnologyComputer Science2016Download
A Customer - Oriented Software Development Life CycleInformation TechnologyComputer Science2008Download
A Decision Support System for E-banking Adoption in Jordan : A Critical Success Factors PerspectiveInformation TechnologyComputer Information Systems2008Download
A Generic Menu - Based Interface for Web QueryingInformation TechnologyComputer Information Systems2008Download
A Model For Designing And Adapting Mobile Learning ContentInformation TechnologyComputer Information Systems2008Download
An Intelligent Face Authentication System for ATM aAccessInformation TechnologyComputer Science2008Download
Design Secure E-Voting SchemeInformation TechnologyComputer Science2008Download
Embedding Hex-Cells into Tree- Hybercube NetworkInformation TechnologyComputer Science2008Download
Towards An Ontology for Software Product Quality AttributesInformation TechnologyComputer Information Systems2009Download
A Model For E-Learning Content DesignInformation TechnologyComputer Information Systems2009Download
A Multi-Layer Perceptron neural network Based -model for Face DetectionInformation TechnologyComputer Science2009Download
design and implementation of mobile learning content modelInformation TechnologyComputer Information Systems2009Download
Designing A Secure E- Payment protocolInformation TechnologyComputer Science2009Download
Towards Ontology For Reguirements Engineering process in E-Government ApplicationInformation TechnologyComputer Information Systems2008Download
Deriving System Model From Business Process Model (JCR Case Study)Information TechnologyComputer Information Systems2009Download
A knowledge based system for developing cognitive map based on geographical mapInformation TechnologyComputer Science2011Download
A model for Outsourcing Monitoring SystemInformation TechnologyComputer Science2010Download
A Robust Framework for Watermarking SystemInformation TechnologyComputer Information Systems2010Download
Database fragmentation Technque for News WebsitesInformation TechnologyComputer Information Systems2009Download
Design A Model for Dynamic workflow Management SystemInformation TechnologyComputer Information Systems2010Download
Designing A model for Wireless Load Data Sheet in AircraftInformation TechnologyComputer Information Systems2010Download
Developing a Payment System Using Contactless Smart cardInformation TechnologyComputer Information Systems2010Download
mouse Gestural hindi Digits Recopgnition Using Neural NetworkInformation TechnologyComputer Science2010Download
THE VERIFICATION FROM THE CITIZEN IN E-GOVERNMENT APPLICATIONInformation TechnologyComputer Information Systems2010Download
Using Architectural Blueprints for Intelligent Robot Cognitive Mapping as a Knowledge-based systemInformation TechnologyComputer Information Systems2010Download
A secure electronic voting scheme based on evox-MA and revs voting blind signature protocolsInformation TechnologyComputer Science2011Download
an efficient digital image watermarking system based on contourlet transform and discrete wavelet transformInformation TechnologyComputer Science2011Download
Anonymous and non-repudiation E-cash scheme based on partially blind sigatureInformation TechnologyComputer Science2011Download
artifical neuro-fuzzy logic system human emotionsInformation TechnologyComputer Science2011Download
desigen of intelligent database system for vehicle fault diagnosisInformation TechnologyComputer Science2011Download
intrusion detection model inspired by immune using k-means and naive bayes as hybrid learning approachInformation TechnologyComputer Science2012Download
A comparative study of duplicate record detection techniquesInformation TechnologyComputer Science2012Download
A Hybrid statistical and morphological arabic language diacritizing systemInformation TechnologyComputer Science2012Download
A Knowledge acquisition framework in trace - based reasoning for valuing knowledgeInformation TechnologyComputer Science2012Download
A Proposed software description language for representing program logic in XMLInformation TechnologyComputer Science2012Download
An enhanced steady state genetic algorithm model for misuse network intrusion detection systemInformation TechnologyComputer Science2012Download
Communication impact on non-contiguous allocation strategies for 2- D mesh multicomputer systemInformation TechnologyComputer Information Systems2012Download
Design and implementation of portal system for schools in less-developed area : A field study in karak governorateInformation TechnologyComputer Science2012Download
Developing a decision support system for seaport management case study : iraqi seaportsInformation TechnologyComputer Information Systems2012Download
Developing a virtual-machine-based distributed web crawling modelInformation TechnologyComputer Information Systems2012Download
evaluating semantic measures by computing the coverage of a condensedInformation TechnologyComputer Science2016Download
voice eneryption twin stream cipher algorithmInformation TechnologyComputer Science2016Download
enhancing the bellovin and cheswick's algorithm by adding dummy values and reoder processInformation TechnologyComputer Science2012Download
Geographical information systems in analysis and enhancement for problems solving and decision makingInformation TechnologyComputer Information Systems2012Download
Improving scheduling on symmetric multiprocessing SMP architecture based on process behaviorInformation TechnologyComputer Information Systems2012Download
Modeling and analysis of cloud collaborative commerceInformation TechnologyComputer Information Systems2012Download
XML database schema refinement through functional dependencies and normalizationInformation TechnologyComputer Information Systems2012Download
A framework model for arabic handwritten text recognittion to handle missing text fragmentsInformation TechnologyComputer Science2013Download
A model for handwriting recognition using wavelet function and genetic algorithmInformation TechnologyComputer Information Systems2013Download
A Critical Analysis of Kamila Shamsie's Burnt ShadowsInformation TechnologyComputer Information Systems2015Download
a semantic ontology based concept for measuring security compliance of cloud service providersInformation TechnologyComputer Information Systems2013Download
An efficient associative classification algorithm for text categorizationInformation TechnologyComputer Information Systems2012Download
A New Technique to Protect the Ownership of Images in Social Network using Encryption and Steganography AlgorithmsInformation TechnologyComputer Information Systems2016Download
An enhanced hopfield network model for misuse intrusion detection systemInformation TechnologyComputer Science2013Download
An enhanced technique for segmentation and encrypt data to storing in cloud computingInformation TechnologyComputer Information Systems2013Download
automobile accident prediction and avoidance system using multilayer preceptron neural networksInformation TechnologyComputer Science2013Download
design and implementation of knowledge-based system for text retrieval based on context and user's prior knowledgeInformation TechnologyComputer Science2013Download
Developing a computer - based information system to improve the diagnosis of blood anemiaInformation TechnologyComputer Information Systems2013Download
Developing a high-performance adjustable-quality data compressipn scheme for multimedia messagingInformation TechnologyComputer Science2013Download
Enhanced k_way method in apriori algorithm for mining the association rules through embedding SQL commandsInformation TechnologyComputer Information Systems2013Download
Enhancement of a steganographic algorithm for hiding text messages in imageInformation TechnologyComputer Science2013Download
Enhancing open space method in data hiding technique - text under textInformation TechnologyComputer Information Systems2013Download
Enhancing the compression ratio of the HCDC-based text compression schemeInformation TechnologyComputer Information Systems2013Download
hybrid technique for arabic text compressionInformation TechnologyComputer Science2013Download
latent semantic analysis LSA and ontological concepts to support e-recruitmentInformation TechnologyComputer Science2013Download
Real time arabic translation system for signboard images based on printed character recognitionInformation TechnologyComputer Science2013Download
Using semantic ontology to evaluate tenders and bidders for e-government applicationsInformation TechnologyComputer Information Systems2013Download
Deriving a new Markup Language from the Extensible Markup Language (XML) to enhance Electrical Engineering ApplicaionsInformation TechnologyComputer Information Systems2014Download
a hybrid broadcasting technique based on massage priority in vanetInformation TechnologyComputer Science2014Download
A Model of Environment Representation Architecture for Intelligent RobotInformation TechnologyComputer Science2014Download
A new approach for real time Face recognition System using a modified Eigenfaces with Edge TrackingInformation TechnologyComputer Information Systems2014Download
An Enhanced Classifier for an Authentication in Keystroke Dynamics Using Experimental DataInformation TechnologyComputer Science2014Download
An Enhanced model For government applications in iraqInformation TechnologyComputer Information Systems2014Download
An Enhancement of the Replacement Steady State Genetic Algorithm for Intrusion DetectionInformation TechnologyComputer Information Systems2014Download
Bandwidth Saving method based Sharing Data Downloaded From Cloud Between Smartphones In Wifi NetworkInformation TechnologyComputer Science2014Download
Cloud Customer Relationship Management (CRM)OntologyInformation TechnologyComputer Information Systems2014Download
Comparative analysis of Database Performance for Well-Known Cloud Computing EnviromentsInformation TechnologyComputer Information Systems2014Download
Comparative Analysis of the Performance for Cloud Computing Hypervisors with Encrypted AlgorithmsInformation TechnologyComputer Information Systems2014Download
Extracting instances to improve semantic matching in the domain of Renewable EnergyInformation TechnologyComputer Information Systems2014Download
Increasing The Lifetime of Wireless Sensor Networks using LEACH ProtocolInformation TechnologyComputer Information Systems2014Download
Intrusion Detectiopn System Based on Carpenter/Grossperg Artificial Neural NetworkInformation TechnologyComputer Science2014Download
Resource Allocation Technique to Obtain Energy Efficient CloudInformation TechnologyComputer Science2014Download
Scaling Cloud resources under different Virtualization Hybervisors Types with Regards to Machine UtilizationInformation TechnologyComputer Information Systems2014Download
Text Hiding in (RGBA) Images Using the Alpha Channel and Indicator MethodInformation TechnologyComputer Science2014Download
Text Image steganography Using LSD MethodInformation TechnologyComputer Science2014Download
new techniqure to embed encrypted or code in colored image by using first and third lsbInformation TechnologyComputer Information Systems2014Download
Back Propagation Recursive Least Squares Algorithm for Intrusion Detection SystemsInformation TechnologyComputer Science2014Download
Multimedia Information Acquisition and Retrieval Enhancement using Intelligent Search System_.Information TechnologyComputer Science2015Download
Cost Break-Even Model for Cloud ComputingInformation TechnologyComputer Information Systems2015Download
Computer Aided Diagnosis of Breast Cancer Using Image Processing Techniques and Neural Networks with Logistic RegressionInformation TechnologyComputer Science2015Download
Kohonen SOM with conscience function neural network based energy efficient cluctering and routing wireless sensor networksInformation TechnologyComputer Science2015Download
New Technique for Cross-Platform Availability Control over Electronic MessagesInformation TechnologyComputer Information Systems2015Download
Practical Measurements Framework for Software IntegrityInformation TechnologyComputer Science2015Download
Image Steganography Based on Discrete Wavelet Transform and Enhancing Resilient Backpropogation Neural NetworkInformation TechnologyComputer Science2015Download
Enhance the Security of Cloud Computing Environment Using Semantic Segregation TechniquesInformation TechnologyComputer Science2015Download
User Authentication System Using Emoji pictures passwordsInformation TechnologyComputer Science2015Download
Secure Communication Based on Encryption and LSB Steganography VoiceInformation TechnologyComputer Science2016Download
Document Classification Method Based on Contents Using an Improved Multinomial Naïve Bayes ModelInformation TechnologyComputer Science2015Download
A New Audio Steganography Method Using Bi-LSB Embedding and Secret Message Integrity ValidationInformation TechnologyComputer Science2015Download
Comparative Analysis for the Performance of Order Preserving Encryption TechniqueInformation TechnologyComputer Science2016Download
A Content-Based Brain Tumor Images System for Classification, Retrieval and DiagnosisInformation TechnologyComputer Science2016Download
Data Gathering Using Mobile Elements In Wireless Sensors Networks (WSNs)Information TechnologyComputer Science2016Download
Partial query processing over encrypted data with Object Relational Mapping.Information TechnologyComputer Science2016Download
Enhancing the Performance of the Hybrid Recovery Method by Defining Video Content TypeInformation TechnologyComputer Information Systems2016Download
Background Subtraction Using Coplanar Filter and Quadtree Decomposition for Objects CountingInformation TechnologyComputer Information Systems2016Download
Comparative Study between (SVM) and (KNN) Classifiers after adding (PCA) to Improve of IntrusionDetection SystemInformation TechnologyComputer Information Systems2015Download
Analytical Study for Measuring the Effects of Database Segregation Multi-tenancy Approaches on Cost and Performance in Cloud ComputingInformation TechnologyComputer Information Systems2015Download
Voice Encryption Using Twin Stream Cipher AlgorithmInformation TechnologyComputer Science2016Download
Performance Evaluation of Similarity Functions for Duplicate Record DetectionInformation TechnologyComputer Information Systems2011Download
Proposed Model For Software Configuration Management Theoretical ToolInformation TechnologyComputer Information Systems2011Download
Performance Evaluation of Blocking Methods for Duplicate Record DetectionInformation TechnologyComputer Information Systems2010Download
Towards Achieving, Self-Load Balancing In Autonomic Overlay NetworksInformation TechnologyComputer Science2012Download
Precluding Software Piracy Using Asymmetric CryptographyInformation TechnologyComputer Information Systems2009Download
CFD_Mine: Discovery of Conditional Functional Dependencies in Relational Databases.Information TechnologyComputer Science2009Download
A New Secure Architecture for Trust and Privacy on Social Network SitesInformation TechnologyComputer Science2011Download
A Comparative Study of Indexing Techniques for Relational Database Management SystemsInformation TechnologyComputer Information Systems2011Download
The Effectiveness of Haar Features and Threshold in Multiple Face Detection Systems Based on Adaboost AlgorithmInformation TechnologyComputer Science2011Download
Mobile Trade Agent SecurityInformation TechnologyComputer Information Systems2011Download
A Hybrid Approach for Web Change DetectionInformation TechnologyComputer Information Systems2009Download
GPS – MCRM INTEGRATION SOLUTIONInformation TechnologyComputer Information Systems2009Download
Secure Authentication Protocol and Key Agreement for Mobile Networks Using Public-Key CryptographyInformation TechnologyComputer Science2011Download
A Decision Support System for E-banking Adoption in Jordan: A Critical Success Factors PerspectiveInformation TechnologyComputer Information Systems2008Download
A Secure Home Appliances Remote Control ModelInformation TechnologyComputer Science2014Download
Image Steganography Technique Based on Predetermined Pattern and Histogram AnalysisInformation TechnologyComputer Science2015Download
Hiding Secret Images within RGB Images Using an Enhanced LSB MethodInformation TechnologyComputer Science2014Download
A Model for Cognitive Map Construction Using Spatial Information Indoor EnvironmentInformation TechnologyComputer Science2014Download
Design of Anti Money Laundering Framework for JordanInformation TechnologyComputer Information Systems2009Download
Integrating Internet of Things and Wireless Sensor Networks for Metropolitan Explosive DetectionInformation TechnologyComputer Science2014Download
Enhanced Solutions for Misuse Network Intrusion Detection System using SGA and SSGAInformation TechnologyComputer Information Systems2015Download
Framework Model of Integration xRM with GISInformation TechnologyComputer Information Systems2011Download
A Framework Model for Arabic Handwritten Text Recognition to Handle Missing Text FragmentsInformation TechnologyComputer Science2013Download
Evaluating Semantic Measures by Computing the Coverage of a Condensed TextInformation TechnologyComputer Science2016Download
Enhanced Distributed Defense Mechanism Against Volumetric DDoS AttacksInformation TechnologyComputer Science2017Download
Offline Arabic Handwritten Isolated Character Recognition System Using Support vector Machine and Neural NetworkInformation TechnologyComputer Science2017Download
The Semantic Similarity Measures Using Arabic OntologyInformation TechnologyComputer Science2017Download
Detecting Phishing Emails Using Machine Learning TechniquesInformation TechnologyComputer Science2017Download
Statistical Steganalysis Detector Model for 8-bit Depth ImagesInformation TechnologyComputer Science2017Download
Measuring the Quality of Online Learning Material Using Semantic Similarity MeasuresInformation TechnologyComputer Science2017Download
Statistical Arabic Grammar Analyzer Based on Rules Mining Approach Using Naïve Bayesian AlgorithmInformation TechnologyComputer Science2017Download
Modified Random Early Detection (RED) Technique Using Various Congestion IndicatorsInformation TechnologyComputer Information Systems2017Download
Accuracy Evaluation of Brain Tumor Detection using Entropy-based Image ThresholdingInformation TechnologyComputer Information Systems2017Download
Adoption Conceptual Framework based on Agility and Flexibility in Cloud Computing SystemInformation TechnologyComputer Science2017Download
Performance Analysis for Hashing Over Encrypted Data TechniquesInformation TechnologyComputer Information Systems2017Download
Finding Cliques In Simulated Social Networks Using Graph Coloring TechniqueInformation TechnologyComputer Science2017Download
Building Ontology-based Metadata to Support Arabic Quality Assurance DocumentationInformation TechnologyComputer Science2017Download
Multiple Pseudo Random Number Generators Implementation for Watermarking TechniqueInformation TechnologyComputer Science2017Download
A Signcryption Approach Based on Rabin Digital Signature SchemesInformation TechnologyComputer Science2017Download
Computation Complexity Improvement for Digital Signature AlgorithmInformation TechnologyComputer Science2017Download
Security Enhancement of Image Steganography Using Embedded Integrity FeaturesInformation TechnologyComputer Science2017Download
The Detection of Data Hiding in RGB Images Using Statistical SteganalysisInformation TechnologyComputer Science2017Download
An Improved Text Watermarking Algorithm for Color ImagesInformation TechnologyComputer Science2017Download
An anomaly detection model for signature authentication on mobile devicesInformation TechnologyComputer Science2018Download
Image classification based on enhancement of local binary patternInformation TechnologyComputer Science2018Download
Implementation of proposed lightweight cryptosystem for use in Cloud Computing SecurityInformation TechnologyComputer Science2018Download
Optimizing Indoor Tracking System for Wireless Sensor Networks Using ZigBeeInformation TechnologyComputer Science2018Download
Comparative study for Order Preserving Encryption CharacteristicInformation TechnologyComputer Science2018Download
Enhancement of Digital Signature SchemeInformation TechnologyComputer Science2018Download
PIN Authentication Using Multi-Model Anomaly Detection in Keystroke Dynamics on Mobile DevicesInformation TechnologyComputer Science2019Download
Improving AES Algorithm using Multiple Secret KeysInformation TechnologyComputer Science2019Download
Steganalysis of Color Images for Low Payload DetectionInformation TechnologyComputer Science2019Download
Imperceptibility and Robustness Improvement using segmented DWT Watermarking TechniqueInformation TechnologyComputer Science2019Download
Article Reformatting Algorithm for Multiple Journal TemplateInformation TechnologyComputer Science2019Download
ANN and DNN-based Models for DDoS Detection via Network Traffic ForecastingInformation TechnologyComputer Science2019Download
Tuning Approach to Improve Multilayer Perceptron for Breast Cancer PredictionInformation TechnologyComputer Science2019Download
Automated Arabic Essay Grading System based on Support Vector Machine and Text Similarity AlgorithmInformation TechnologyComputer Science2019Download
Strengthening the MD5 File Integrity Algorithm with User FingerprintInformation TechnologyComputer Science2019Download
Image Analysis for Mandible Bone Properties on Cone-Beam CT to Detect OsteoporosisInformation TechnologyComputer Science2019Download
Efficient Graph-Based Image Segmentation for Natural ImagesInformation TechnologyComputer Science2017Download
A COMPARATIVE STUDY OF TWO OBJECTIVE FUNCTIONSInformation TechnologyComputer Science2020Download
User Authentication Based on Statistical Mouse Dynamics BiometricsInformation TechnologyComputer Science2020Download
A Hadoop map reduce implementation of C5.0 decisionInformation TechnologyComputer Science2020Download
An Improved BIRCH Algorithm for Breast Cancer ClusteringInformation TechnologyComputer Science2020Download
Toward an Arabic Essay Grading BenchmarkInformation TechnologyComputer Science2020Download
How to Detect Phishing Website Using Three-Model EnsembleInformation TechnologyComputer Science2020Download
Deep CPC Deep Learning Model for Colorectal Polyps Classification (1)Information TechnologyComputer Science2020Download
Enhanced Arabic Root-Based LemmatizerInformation TechnologyComputer Science2020Download
Homomorphic Encryption of Text DocumentsInformation TechnologyCyber Security and Cloud Computing2020Download
A New Symmetric Lightweight Encryption Algorithm Based on DNA for Internet of Things DevicesInformation TechnologyCyber Security and Cloud Computing2021Download
A Novel Framework to Secure Schema for Data Warehouse in Cloud Computing (Force Encryption Schema Solution)Information TechnologyCyber Security and Cloud Computing2021Download
Energy Efficient Localization Model in Mobile ComputingInformation TechnologyCyber Security and Cloud Computing2021Download
Agile Encryption Scheme for Multimedia Files Using Random DataInformation TechnologyComputer Science2021Download
An Empirical Study of Multi-instance RPL ProtocolInformation TechnologyComputer Science2021Download
Detecting Bug Severity Level using Machine Learning TechniquesInformation TechnologyComputer Science2021Download
Jordanian Companies’ Stock Price Prediction using Hybrid RNN with Long Term Short Memory and Tabu List MemoryInformation TechnologyComputer Science2021Download
Lightweight Cryptosystem for IoT Image Encryption Using DNAInformation TechnologyComputer Science2021Download
Innovative Technique to Encrypt Data for Data Mining Purposes in Cloud ComputingInformation TechnologyCyber Security and Cloud Computing2021Download
The Impact of Cloud Computing Involvement on Competitive AdvantageInformation TechnologyCyber Security and Cloud Computing2021Download
The Impact of Cloud Computing Involvement on Competitive AdvantageInformation TechnologyCyber Security and Cloud Computing2022Download